Solutions from Dhaani Systems

Our Differentiation


  • 3-5X more savings than existing solutions 
  • Up to 85% reduction in electricity use
  • Doesn’t impact user productivity
  • Next Generation patented technology



How We Do It


  • Predictive Analytics
  • Clientless
  • Self-learning,  Self-tuning, Self-managing



Who This Impacts

  • Sustainability Officers
  • Facilities (has the electricity budget)
  • CIO/CTO responding to Environmental Responsibilities





How We Do It


  • Predictive Analytics
  • Clientless
  • Self-learning,  Self-tuning, Self-managing


The DhaaniStar appliance is the ONLY network-based, adaptive energy management solution for IT equipment. By utilizing our patent-pending algorithms, Dhaani maximizes energy savings while simultaneously maintaining user satisfaction.

The DhaaniStar appliance continuously monitors individual computer usage patterns (by time of day, day of week, time of year) to optimize uptime performance while minimizing energy usage. As usage patterns and users change, the DhaaniStar automatically adjusts each individual energy management profile WITHOUT the need for user or IT input. As our data shows, energy savings automatically adjust to holiday seasons and other occasions when there are abrupt changes to schedules.